Dear Diary Ch. 04


9 Haziran 2024


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Hope you enjoy reading my diary! If you have any comments, feel free to email me!

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June 21

The sleepover. Well, that’s probably not a good name for it really. There wasn’t much sleeping. If this is what college is going to be like, i’m ready to go now!

Okay, let me back up and tell it from the beginning. Chad and i had a great time at the pool, swimming, sunning, and generally taking it easy. He dropped me off at the house at 7, which gave me a couple hours to get ready for the people coming over at 9. There were supposed to be one of my friends, one of Ellen’s friends, and a few of Christine’s college friends coming over, but when i got back i found out that the plans had been changed. Ellen and Randy were both staying over at other people’s houses, and my friend couldn’t make it either, leaving just me, Christine, and her college friends. But that was fine. An evening of lounging around in pajamas, watching movies, laughing – that i could get into, and it would take my mind off of my increasing need for Chad or somone, or something, that would derail this sex obsession i seem to have.

At 9 the girls showed up, and after some getting arranged, we settled down to watch a movie, planning to get into pajamas and whatever afterward. One of the girls looked at me strangely, and i caught her looking at me that way again, several times during the movie. Not knowing what that was all about, i decided to ignore her and watch the movie. All of our plans went out the window when the boys crashed the party at 10:30. They showed up at our door, bearing bags full of stuff, and started being loud and annoying, the way only college boys at a party can be. There were 4 of them, and 6 of us, and more than one bottle of alcohol per person, on average. I was suddenly very glad that Ellen and Rudy weren’t around. I’m pretty much a stranger to alcohol, Betturkey my only experience so far was a bad one. I don’t remember anything else about it except that it was bad and i was sick for days. Lesson learned.

There was some drinking. Okay, there was a lot of drinking. I didn’t have much, because i was already freaked out enough from the episode at the pool – i really needed every inhibition i could get! Finally someone got the great idea (that’s sarcasm, dear diary) to play a drinking game. It involved a special deck of cards, 2 dice, drinking, and stripping. Christine was already drunk, as was another of the girls and one of the boys. The girl who had been watching me strangely still was, which i just didn’t get. what the hell was so interesting? take a picture, it’ll last longer.

okay, i’m getting off track. all that will be explained soon. So, 4 boys, 6 girls. The boys were all cute, most of them in some combination of shorts and a tshirt or sweatshirt. The girls were about the same. I was the youngest, and the oldest was 21. The boys were all around 20 or 21 i’d guess. Obviously one of them was 21, since they brought so much to drink.

The game worked like this. Each person picked a card from the pile, in turn, and read it. There were always 2 options. Option 1 was different on each card. Option 2 was always “person X gets to remove one article of your clothing.” After reading the card, you got to choose whether you wanted to do the thing option 1 told you to do, or take something off. Which person got to do it was determined by a roll of the dice. Each of us chose a number. I chose 8. Rolling a 2 meant that the turn ended and you didn’t have to do either option. Rolling a 12 meant everyone had to take a drink, and you didn’t have to do any options either.

We started the game. There was one 12 rolled, so we all had to drink. Otherwise, Betturkey Giriş everyone chose option 2 until we were pretty much all shoeless and sockless, since that was the safest way to go. One of the boys had lost his shirt as well to Christine, who used the opportunity to run her hands all over his chest while taking his shirt off. As a 12 was rolled again, i drank, having a feeling that things were going to get out of control before the evening was out. Oh yeah, the closet. i forgot to mention that rule. Some of the cards, for option 1, just had the word “the closet” and a time like 30 seconds, 1 minute, etc., all the way up to 5 minutes. That meant that you went into a totally darkened closet with that person for that length of time, and they could do whatever they wanted with you. The only limiter was that they couldn’t touch or do anything to any part of you that was still clothed. That one scared me from the beginning of the game, but i was just “relaxed” enough to go along with it. After all, i could always run away if i lost too many clothes.

It was Christine’s turn. She drew a card where option 1 was “dance on a table for 30 seconds” and got up on the table in the middle of everyone and danced. Next was one of the boys, Joey. His option 1 was to lick the face of person X. The dice were rolled, and person X turned out to be the boy next to him. He did it, but neither one looked real happy about it. I thought it was hilarious, and said so. Both of them gave me a dirty look. And that other girl, Marie, was looking at me again.

It was Mike’s turn, the guy sitting next to Joey. His option 1 was “the closet for 30 seconds.” He chose it, and rolled. He got Joey. We all laughed hilariously when they came out 30 seconds later, and asked when the wedding would be. They vowed revenge. We all took another drink.

To make a long story short, the game continued like that for a while. The high points were Stacia, a long dark-haired beauty, taking off Andrew’s shorts as slowly as she could, getting a great grope in as she slid them off of him. Christine, now in shorts and a bra, and Mike, shirtless, wound up in the closet together for a minute, and came out looking disheveled, hot, and bothered.

Marie had short blonde hair, almost white. She was about 5-6, very tomboyish, slim, not particularly curvy. Her makeup was limited to some bright lipstick. Her ears were peirced 4 times each, her navel had a ring also. She was down to a black sports bra and black boxers when she drew one of the “special” cards. The special cards had no option 2, and a few of them were scattered throughout the deck. Each one had a clever title. This one was called “Threesome.” It said that Marie, person X, and person Y had to spend 5 minutes in the closet together. Each would come out with one less piece of clothing on than they walked in with; the clothes would be removed at the 4 minute mark, so we couldn’t play with anything we uncovered. The other closet rules applied: anyone could do anything they liked to any of the others, except where clothing still existed. The dice were rolled, and Shaun, Marie, and I were headed for the closet.

Shaun was 5-8 or so, about 185lbs, and good looking in a tall blond sort of way. he was still wearing a long t-shirt and boxers. I was still mostly dressed, having lost only my jean shorts, leaving me in a long tank top, black bra, and white french-cut panties. I would have worn more modest clothes if i knew i’d be being seen in them! I almost didn’t wear a bra… i guess i could be thankful for that, i thought, figuring that i was about to lose my shirt. We went into the closet. It was a tight fit; I was in the middle, Marie behind me facing the same way as i was, Shaun in front of me facing me. The door closed, leaving us in the darkness together.

I’ve got to get some sleep, diary. I’ll finish up tomorrow. xoxo Kel 🙂

* * * * *

To Be Continued…

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